The Promise Of Someday

The Promise Of Someday

About The Blog


Thirukkural Credits: Kaapiyam

Lxware is an outcome of a sleepless night, while I was freelancing in 2020. I had a blog in blogger for decades but failed to post regularly and I wanted to do it again. I chose this name as a tribute to Linux, Opensource and the bestminds out there. Originally I had this blog built on wordpress, with the help and motivation from a friend. I also made couple of websites for Animal Welfare NGO's Catadvocates.Org TNR and a couple of others that has been discontinued.

After extensively using Notion I wanted to use Jekyll to host my blog on Cloudflare pages, and was exploring GitHub Pages. I was discussing my idea with a colleague at work who already has his blog Mr.Skidmore using Hugo hosted on GitHub Pages. Based on his inspiration I have made this Markdown blog code hosted on GitHub Private Repository (free account) using Hugo but publishing it through Cloudflare Pages (free account) instead of GitHub pages.

I am still researching on how to use GitHub actions to develop and publish my site. And hoping to regulary blog.

Wish me luck!

I got more and more busy and drifted away from "The Promoise of Someday" and was longing for that day. I made up my mind that I want to focus on content and be minimalistic and started looking for a minmalistic theme of Hugo. I stumbled upon various options and most of the articles I read were from Medium, it was close for what I wanted but I wanted something that is liberal, allows me to use a custom domain and at somepoint will let me enable monetization. Since my area is in tech it bottomed down to hashnode, amongst "Google Sites, Linkedin, Medium, Substack, Hubspot"

Hope I don't fail this time!

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